Zoom meeting
with satyaprem

Gratitude belongs to those who can donate.
Satsang with Satyaprem
Wednesday, May 15th, at 8pm
Via Zoom
Registration/Donation: R$ 150 (or +++)
All the money raised will be used to support “Cozinha Solidária” (https://cozinhasolidaria.com), in Porto Alegre, to increase food production in this time of calamity.
To participate:
Make a PIX directly to enchentes@apoia.se for the registration fee or any higher amount – depending on your availability and desire.
Send the receipt to WhatsApp 55 51 9967 7210.
You will receive confirmation of your registration.
We will send the access link a few hours before the event.
Participate here: https://apoia.se/enchentesrs
If there is any difficulty making an international payment, use the following options:
Donation in DOLLARS:
Donation in EURO:
About the event:
In a webinar format, via Zoom, only Satyaprem's microphone and camera will be open. But it is possible to communicate by sending your question/comment through Q&A.
The room will open 15 minutes before the start.
At 8pm, with the arrival of Satyaprem, we start the night with approximately 30 minutes of meditation and then the satsang will begin.
We suggest that a quiet and comfortable environment be reserved and that this moment be reserved exclusively for satsang.
During the event, to contact production, use CHAT.
To contact us:
55 51 99967 7210 _ Nikaya
55 51 99675 0203 _ Vipasha
To learn more about the work of "Cozinha Solidária":
Website: https://cozinhasolidaria.com
Instagram: @cozinhassolidariasmtst
Crowdfunding: https://apoia.se/enchentesrs